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Christian Podcast Station

Christian Podcast Station
The Christian Podcast station was created to bring you the best in Christian Podcasts. Here you will find mesages and teaching from the best of Christian scholars and teachers such as R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur, Ravi Zacharia, John Piper, James Dobson, and others. Touching on subjects from general Christian living to theology and apologetics, this podcast station is dedicated to equip and engage the minds of believers and encourage them to contemplate the hard and complex questions in life. This is the Christian Podcast Station!

Note: Right click on the Download link and choose "Save Tartget As". Choose the location to download the file, then click the save button.

"Just press Source on the podcast that you want to listen to and you will be redirected to that Podcaster's page"

Now the Christian Podcast Station is available on iTunes. You can either search for: "Christian Podcast Station" or access directly through this link if you have iTunes installed: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=325218526

News: I am currently at Afghanistan and I will try to update the Christian Podcast Station as much as possible.

Note: If you are using iTunes you only have access to a limited amount of podcasts at a time. If you want to access podcasts dating back to 2007 you can go to http://www.gigadial.net/public/station/64485  ( It's free! )

God Bless,

Marcos Ramirez

Station feed: Click here to see an XML representation of the latest episodes on this station
Created by: Marcos Ramirez
Created on: 20 Jan 2007
Language: English

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Add this to another station Themes from Hebrews: Our Hearts Are Restless (R.C. Sproul) (12.09MB; download) -- What causes restlessness in our souls and where can we find rest? Dr. Sproul points us to the only refuge where we will find peace and rest. Brought to you by "Renewing your Mind" radio with Dr. R.C. Sproul.
Selected by: Marcos Ramirez [ stations ], Tue, 22 Sep 2009 03:11:13 UTC
Add this to another station The Word of the Cross (Part 1 of 4) Ravi Zacharias (6.24MB; download) -- On today’s program, explore some foundational Christian beliefs, such as the reliability of Scripture, and the centrality of Christ. These biblical truths don’t change with time, or with current philosophical fashion. Examine them for yourself on “Just Thinking.”
Selected by: Marcos Ramirez [ stations ], Tue, 22 Sep 2009 03:09:28 UTC
Add this to another station The King Confronts Corruption (Part 1 of 2) John MacArthur (13.25MB; download) -- They want to keep you from believing the words Jesus Christ taught while He was on earth. They eagerly seek to dissuade Christians from their faith. Who am I talking about and how do you deal with them? Consider that, today on Grace to You with John MacArthur.
Selected by: Marcos Ramirez [ stations ], Tue, 22 Sep 2009 02:39:15 UTC
Add this to another station Lessons From History: The Tale of Two Men (Part 1 of 2) Ravi Zacharias (11.99MB; download) -- Have you considered the ramifications of your decisions? This week on Let My People Think Ravi Zacharias takes two examples from the Bible of two very different rulers. One who honored God and the other who chose to rebel. Their legacies can inform us today.
Selected by: Marcos Ramirez [ stations ], Tue, 22 Sep 2009 02:37:20 UTC
Add this to another station Sinners & Saints Podcast: Bad reasons why you are not a Calvinist - How they read Romans 9 (Part 3) (8.62MB; download) -- If you were wondering how an educated Arminian would read Romans chapter nine in a way contrary to how we have, here is your answer (at least the first part of it). The authors make spotty references to this or that phrase in this or that verse and essentially ignore the obvious truth taught througout the Bible.
Selected by: Marcos Ramirez [ stations ], Tue, 22 Sep 2009 02:35:06 UTC
Add this to another station Hugh Hewitt Show: John Andrews, Zach Lahne, Frank Gaffney, Adam, Cole, Jay, and Matt Arnold (8.18MB; download) -- Hugh broadcasts from Colorado Christian University, an is joined by former Colorado state senator John Andrews, Zach Lahne, who challenged Barack Obama to a debate a few weeks ago, covers the removal of the missile defense shield in Eastern Europe with Frank Gaffney, talks with CCU students Adam, Cole & Jay, then covers Colorado politics with Matt Arnold.
Selected by: Marcos Ramirez [ stations ], Tue, 22 Sep 2009 02:30:53 UTC
Add this to another station God's Fingerprints on the Universe (Focus on the Family) (19.57MB; download) -- Researchers William Dembski and Mark Hartwig discuss the origin of the universe. Brought to you by Focus on the Family radio with James Dobson, this is the daily broadcast.
Selected by: Marcos Ramirez [ stations ], Tue, 22 Sep 2009 02:27:56 UTC
Add this to another station False Teachers Among You, Part One (Alistair Begg) (11.56MB; download) -- False teachers within the body of believers were confusing the church in the first century. That was a problem, but it’s not a problem of the 21st century, right? Before you answer that question, listen in for Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.
Selected by: Marcos Ramirez [ stations ], Tue, 22 Sep 2009 02:26:23 UTC
Add this to another station Becoming the Woman You Were Meant to Be - Part 2 (HomeWord) (14.25MB; download) -- God created women to be encouragers and influencers. Dr. Jim Burns continues his discussion with Lisa Bevere - author of the book Fight Like a Girl - about helping women and young girls become who God wants them to be.
Selected by: Marcos Ramirez [ stations ], Tue, 22 Sep 2009 02:24:37 UTC
Add this to another station The Seductive Lure of Internet Porn 2 (James Dobson) (13.58MB; download) -- A panel discusses pornography addiction an its connection to intimacy disorders. This is James Dobson on marriage brought to you by Focus on the Family ministries.
Selected by: Marcos Ramirez [ stations ], Tue, 22 Sep 2009 02:23:40 UTC
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