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"The Daily Podcast Feed" - mother of all feeds
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Harry Gilchrist

Station feed: Click here to see an XML representation of the latest episodes on this station
Created by: Harold Gilchrist
Created on: 03 Jan 2005
Language: English

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Add this to another station Herb Weisbaum: Frozen Dinners Can Be Part Of Healthful Diet (0.47MB; download) -- You wouldn't want to eat them every night but choosing frozen entrees that a low in fat can be a good way to go.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Wed, 15 Jun 2005 10:17:22 UTC
Add this to another station The Overnightscape #218 (6/15/05) (13.74MB; download) -- Tonight's subjects include: Trippin' in Parking Lot 3, the disintegration of regular radio, awkward conversation, friskings, the old roommate Andrew, concert review ("Judas Priest - PNC Bank Arts Center, Holmdel, NJ - June 10, 2005"), The Corridor of Losers, Minnesota, the new Chrysler Building Burritoville, Super Objects, apartment videotape, the cold shoulder, Sheryl Crow, 101.1 CBS.FM, JACK-FM, and Ed's Tantalizing Tofu. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora. (30 minutes)
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Wed, 15 Jun 2005 10:06:13 UTC
Add this to another station Buying a home -- are real estate agents necessary? (9.23MB; download) -- Homes are selling like very expensive hotcakes. First quarter existing home sales this year were at the third highest rate on record despite the sky-high prices in the Seattle area. What have your experiences been in the blazing real estate market? Have you had to resort to extreme strategies? We’d like to hear your stories. What are the reasons not to buy a home? More people are getting into real estate as an investment. What’s that doing to prices? Do you really need a real estate agent? What for? We’ll hear about the new a la carte web based real estate services. Can they save you money? And why are traditional real estate agents opposed to them?Also today: if you toughen up child support laws can you reduce the rate of out of wedlock births? We’ll hear the evidence.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Wed, 15 Jun 2005 04:21:45 UTC
Add this to another station Java and MP3 (1.28MB; download) -- There are some problems with the planned webbased recording solution. Java cannot produce valid MP3-files.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 14 Jun 2005 23:26:35 UTC
Add this to another station The Cranky Middle Manager Show #003 (28.31MB; download) -- The Cranky Middle Manager Show(MP3-28.3 MB- 30 min 1 sec) LISTEN HERE A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing Hello and welcome to yet another edition of The Cranky Middle Manager. Did you know the number one people leave their job is their manager??? Damn whiners…. :30 Our quote of the week… [...]
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 14 Jun 2005 23:20:54 UTC
Add this to another station Rip & Read #121 - 2005-06-13 (9.59MB; download) -- Show #121. Listen here: Subscribe here: Here's what I Ripped & Read today:Democratic Anti-EconomicsThe New York Times has had a series of articles recently on the disparity of incomes between the rich and the poor. Coyote Blog has a post pointed to by the Carnival of the Capitalists today, where he argues that the Times is promoting several ideas by the series:[The] article is here, entitled “Richest Are Leaving Even the Rich Far Behind,” There are a number of ways to attack this article. One is to fisk their really abused and misused numbers, which George Reisman does on the Mises Economics Blog. Lets accept that the very very rich are getting richer. So lets move from there to the question of... "so what?" The Times is a little weak on the "so what". I presume that in their intellectual-statist readership, it is an axiom that rich people suck and rich people getting richer sucks more. However, it is possible to pull out four things the Times extended editorial-masquerading-as-a-news-story finds bad about increasing income inequality: As the rich get richer, there is less money left for the rest of usThe process of the rich getting richer reduces opportunities for the rest of usHaving very rich people around make the rest of us feel badThe rich are only getting richer because the rest of us are subsidizing them through tax policy It has been a while since I have really gotten carried away writing about a topic (at least three or four days) so I will now proceed to address each of these in turn and in some detail. He covers each of these four points in detail, shredding their ideas with loving care. The last, blaming tax cuts for income disparity is the best:The Times points out that the income tax rate for the super rich is no higher than the rate for the merely rich or even $100,000 earners. The implication is that the super rich are somehow getting a better deal. But in fact, the problem is that the definition of rich, vis a vis taxes, has been lowered through the years. The whole history of the income tax is to sell a tax as applying only to the very very rich, and then broadening the applicability over time. The federal income tax followed this path, as has the AMT. More recently, the top rate on California income taxes is seeing the same creep. The statist trick is to apply a rate to the super rich, then creep it down so eventually it applies to everyone. Then, they cry that - hey, the super rich aren't paying more than the middle class, so they institute a new higher super rich rate. Rinse and repeat. So I guess the idea is that if we only taxed the rich more, like, say 100%, they would no longer be rich. Sounds like a reasonable approach to take, to the Times. Unfortunately this idea was picked up by Democrats in Congress recently. Last week Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board Alan Greenspan appeared before a joint committee of the Senate and House to report on the state of the economy. Thanks to C-SPAN for the video feed. Listen to this clip which features upstate NY Congressman Maurice Hinchey, who read the NY Times Thursday morning and attempted to argue class warfare with Mr. Greenspan. It's a classic. He's outgunned and he knows it. If you are not sure who Hinchey is, stay tuned, for later I'll play a clip of his conspiracy theories about Karl Rove and the Dan Rather memos. Listen to him challenge Greenspan with his canard about income disparity caused by tax cuts. Takedown. Michigan Republican Thaddeus McCotter joins in when it's his turn. Wonderful stuff, that I'm sure fell to the cutting room floor when they were making up the nightly news at NBC. Play clip.The Republicans are accused of being anti-science for their concerns about the validity of global warming. Here's a Democratic congressman on the floor of congress, arguing the need for income redistribution with a real economist. I know that economics is sometimes called a soft science, but Hinchey is ridiculous.Now to the olde
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 14 Jun 2005 11:14:00 UTC
Add this to another station It's Late and I'm Aggravated (8.40MB; download) -- Tonight I go ballistic while trying to keep my voice down. I discuss waterparks, T-ball, and other crap while trying to pick up after my messy family.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 14 Jun 2005 11:00:17 UTC
Add this to another station Working Podcast for June 12th 2005 (33.02MB; download) -- A caller complains about office guys staring at her D-cup. Learn about the underworld of being a hotel concierge. A few extra pounds can cost you the job! What the heck is sticking out of that car window?
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 14 Jun 2005 10:53:26 UTC
Add this to another station Show #14 (22.30MB; download) -- Killer Innovations Podcast for June 14th Segment 1: Structured Innovation Segment 2: Changing Perspective Segment 3: Killer question for the week
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 14 Jun 2005 10:49:10 UTC
Add this to another station HawaiiUP - Peacocks and Blogs (16.24MB; download) -- Show number fourteen brings me back with an extra large dose of local news. An incredible singer songwriter is featured this week, the wife checks in with some movie talk, and some local geeks talk blogs. In this show: 01:00 HawaiiUP Menu 01:35 HawaiiUP Headlines:Home Prices, Peter-Boy, Maui Cliff Lawsuit, Peacocks, Mass Transit Stalled, Hoku Awards 17:00 "Not The [...]
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 14 Jun 2005 10:43:04 UTC
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