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"The Daily Podcast Feed" - mother of all feeds

"The Daily Podcast Feed" - mother of all feeds
Cast Browser's "Daily Podcast Feed" presents and guides you through a new collection of podcasts every morning.

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Please feel free to e-mail me at harold.gilchrist@gmail.com if you have any questions or suggestions.

Harry Gilchrist

Station feed: Click here to see an XML representation of the latest episodes on this station
Created by: Harold Gilchrist
Created on: 03 Jan 2005
Language: English

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Add this to another station 10/26: A Replay of our Podcast 411 Interview (10.67MB; download) -- Episode 100 is here! We celebrate 100 episodes of Financial Aid News, the longest running, most frequently published financial aid podcast on the Internet. In celebration, I'm going to republish a couple of extras in today's feed: + Our Podcast 411 Interview + Today's Show + Episode 1 in its shameful entirety
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Mon, 31 Oct 2005 11:43:10 UTC
Add this to another station Scholarship Searching Secrets Guide (PDF) (1.50MB; download) -- The long awaited Searching Secrets Guide! Only for subscribers to the Financial Aid Podcast.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 30 Oct 2005 21:43:14 UTC
Add this to another station Ordinary Average Guy #40 10/27/2005 (34.78MB; download) -- )-- "I have the need....to put something in my feed" Show Opener - Neal Guye The urge to podcast A glass of wine.....and the Podsafe Music Network Podsafe Music - Waiting - Taxi Doll That was quick...Congrats to the Palehose Brodeur, getting older...getting hurt... Basketball doesn't count....sorry Tim The value of a goal.... Chelsea finally loses.... ...but the complaints about how much they spend keep coming Vaule for your billions Giants last minute victory.... The NFC East dogfight Rutgers likely to be screwed yet again.... Motown here we come! I hope not! Podsafe Music - Jet Black - TwinCam Maybe I need more wine... The aftermath of the DSC promo Watching the numbers.....like watching the grass grow... Weekends=SLOW Either no one listens to the promos or I just suck, you tell me... Congrats and more from CastBlaster Mike Even Gene from Hometown Tales listens! Hometown Tales meets Jawbone Ed's Mixed Bag with a great idea! Comments from my new PR director Neal! I finally get Tim's name right Twan & Bergy Show - CC Chapmans neighbor and a former resident of NJ (I forgot to mention Brad's (from Whole Lot of Nonsense) congrats Losing my mind as usuall...thanks for the pause button.. Frappr = Google Maps + Groups (Search for me in the Podcasters group) New NJ Podcasters: The Pete and Renee Show Laura checks in about interview w/ Sean Mormelo Surprise coming soon Listener Line: 206-666-4BOB Looking for regular listeners to beta test new site Contact Info: Podsafe Music - Flexible - Derek Sivers
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 28 Oct 2005 12:08:25 UTC
Add this to another station Poetry Reading by Kenneth Fields (53.04MB; download) -- A poetry reading by Kenneth Fields as part of the Poem Present series at The University of Chicago. ©2005 The University of Chicago®
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 28 Oct 2005 10:50:59 UTC
Add this to another station Lecture by Kenneth Fields (49.81MB; download) -- A lecture by Kenneth Fields as part of the Poem Present series at The University of Chicago. ©2005 The University of Chicago®
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 28 Oct 2005 10:50:38 UTC
Add this to another station Urban Heat Islands (12.96MB; download) -- John Frederick of the University of Chicago hopes to discover more about the health effects of particulate matter, such as its relationship to incidents of asthma and a warming trend known as the heat island effect. ©2005 The University of Chicago®
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 27 Oct 2005 10:26:55 UTC
Add this to another station New Jersey Podcasters Associations October 2005 meeting (51.20MB; download) -- This is a recording of the New Jersey Podcasters Associations monthly meeting held October 19, 2005 in Warren, New Jersey.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Mon, 24 Oct 2005 10:58:49 UTC
Add this to another station Media Search: SDForum's SearchSIG (32.67MB; download) -- Audio is exploding on the internet, and now even video is becoming easier to create, download and view. However, finding the content you want to consume is still a challenge. Join IT Conversations' own Doug Kaye as he talks with Evan Williams of ODEO, David Marks of Loomia, Eric Rice of Audioblog and Jeff Karnes of Yahoo! at SDForum about the current state of search for audio and video. [SDForum audio from IT Conversations]
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Mon, 24 Oct 2005 10:06:02 UTC
Add this to another station Fighting Spyware Not Getting Any Easier (0.48MB; download) -- A test of anti-spyware software shows some well-known programs can't cut it.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Mon, 24 Oct 2005 09:54:02 UTC
Add this to another station 10-21-05 Podcast Brothers (10.92MB; download) -- Intro: ScreenCastsOnline.com - Your Premier Place for Video Tutorials Delivered Via iTunes! Tim and Emile Bourquin talk about doing podcaster demographic surveys across 20-30 podcasters like the German podcasters did led by Alex at PimpMyBrain.de, more Yahoo! Podcast Directory Beta talk, iPod video content licensing and payment issues, real estate podcasts and possible applications, The Podcast Network sponsorship deal with Motorola and Orb, Emile's comments on the eWeek podcast, why we like the CIO Magazine podcast, and finally an Expo update.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Mon, 24 Oct 2005 09:52:07 UTC
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