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"The Daily Podcast Feed" - mother of all feeds

"The Daily Podcast Feed" - mother of all feeds
Cast Browser's "Daily Podcast Feed" presents and guides you through a new collection of podcasts every morning.

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Please feel free to e-mail me at harold.gilchrist@gmail.com if you have any questions or suggestions.

Harry Gilchrist

Station feed: Click here to see an XML representation of the latest episodes on this station
Created by: Harold Gilchrist
Created on: 03 Jan 2005
Language: English

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Add this to another station Interview with Kevin Devin from In The Trenches (13.50MB; download) -- This is the second in our on-going interview series, talking with high-tech workers of all types.Today's guest is Kevin Devin, Information Systems Analyst with a large building controls manufacturer, host of In the Trenches: The Podcast for SysAdmins and founder of Friends in Tech.Listen to the InterviewLink: Listen to Interview #1 with David Jefferson of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)Link: Discuss this column and podcast in the Friends in Tech Forums!Technorati Tags: career, job, jobs, work, workplace, podcast, podcasting, technology, high-tech
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Wed, 15 Feb 2006 11:18:42 UTC
Add this to another station Audible Ajax Show 15: Kevin Hackman of TIBCO (19.14MB; download) -- In our 15th show, we interview Kevin Hakman of TIBCO General Interface on the recent announcements surrounding TIBCO GI, the state of Ajax GUI builders, and issues that Ajax developers face.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Wed, 15 Feb 2006 11:17:33 UTC
Add this to another station NYT: Olympics Report for 2/15/2006 (2.08MB; download) -- Hopes are now much brighter for the American ski team.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Wed, 15 Feb 2006 11:15:45 UTC
Add this to another station Guest Host Aaron Task: Waning Energy (18.44MB; download) -- Aaron Task, filling in for Cramer, deliberates the drop in energy prices. Also, the 'anti-Cramer.'
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Wed, 15 Feb 2006 11:04:36 UTC
Add this to another station NYT: Front Page for 2/15/2006 (1.87MB; download) -- NYT Front Page for 2/15/2006.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Wed, 15 Feb 2006 11:02:55 UTC
Add this to another station The Mechanical Turk, Voice 3.0, Java Podcasts, and Reading Pitches (13.97MB; download) -- Rael Dornfest and Tim O'Reilly look ahead to ETech and discuss applications that do and that could benefit from working with people. Jeff Bonforte talks about Voice 3.0 and speech recognition. Chris Adamson surveys some of the popular Java podcasts. We present an excerpt from Joseph Adler's book, Baseball Hacks. (DTF 02-03-2006: 29 minutes 42 seconds)
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 14 Feb 2006 15:09:46 UTC
Add this to another station The Ricky Gervais Show - Episode 11 (13.45MB; download) -- This week; The cult of Karl goes global; No well-appointed planet should be without one; Karl's contributions to the curriculum; Playground pugilism; Verbiage on the vermiform appendix; Horological considerations for interstellar pioneers; More from the dimwitted diarist; Monkey news
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 14 Feb 2006 14:53:51 UTC
Add this to another station Ep 5 Interview with Jim of BlueprintforFinancialProsperity (4.81MB; download) -- Jim from Blueprint for Financial Prosperity joins me to talk about why he started blogging (the secret is in the comments). He also shares his thoughts on the keys to successful blogging, and what differentiates blogging from traditional media. And he talks a bit about the new Money Blog Network
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 14 Feb 2006 14:38:15 UTC
Add this to another station NYT: Front Page for 2/14/2006 (4.16MB; download) -- NYT Front Page for 2/14/2006.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 14 Feb 2006 14:15:34 UTC
Add this to another station 02-10-06 Podcast Brothers (12.61MB; download) -- Intro: The Tennis Podcast at www.TheTennisPodcast.com. Tim and Emile Bourquin, The Podcast Brothers, talk about the business side of podcasting and portable media. In today's show, we discuss "podfading" from a PodCheck.com post and doing regular shows - why it may not be critical, Emile's auto RSS script, Forbes article with errors, PaulColligan.com, TiVo and podcasts, RocketBoom ad auction, Speaker submission process for the Podcast and Portable Media Expo, direct subscribes to your RSS feed for iTunes (pros and cons), radio's issues with podcasting.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 14 Feb 2006 04:08:24 UTC
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