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"The Daily Podcast Feed" - mother of all feeds

"The Daily Podcast Feed" - mother of all feeds
Cast Browser's "Daily Podcast Feed" presents and guides you through a new collection of podcasts every morning.

To view the "Daily Podcast Feed", visit Cast Browser @ http://www.castbrowser.com

Please feel free to e-mail me at harold.gilchrist@gmail.com if you have any questions or suggestions.

Harry Gilchrist

Station feed: Click here to see an XML representation of the latest episodes on this station
Created by: Harold Gilchrist
Created on: 03 Jan 2005
Language: English

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Add this to another station Audio: Chris Gorog, CEO, Napster (0.71MB; download) -- On Q4 earnings conference call, Chris Gorog, CEO of Napster. ()On Napster To Go service: Listen to the 6 minute clip where I condensed Gorog's remarks related to the new portable subscription service: reaction to it, competitors, advertising on Super Bowl, subscription mobel and Napster's bet on it, etc....download the clip here (0.7 MB, 6:10 mins)....
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:59:50 UTC
Add this to another station Tech Tidbits Daily for Feb. 10, 2005 (0.26MB; download) -- This is your Tech Tidbits Daily for Thursday Feb. 10th 2005. Do computer bugs bug you? Find out why they are so prevalent and what you can do about them by grabbing a free copy of Mark Manasi's 1999 McGraw-Hill...
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:57:05 UTC
Add this to another station CIOPC:DSB 2005-02-11 Microsoft AntiSpyware and CRM, More on the HP thing... (3.34MB; download) -- Microsoft's AntySpyware app is being attacked. Also, they postpone their release of the CRM application. More thoughts on the Carly/HP stuff.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:56:13 UTC
Add this to another station Geek News Central Podcast #38 2005-2-11 (20.92MB; download) -- Wow better hold on to your hats I was full of piss and vinegar tonight. Google, RIAA, MPAA and others got me fired up tonight. GeekNewsCentral-2005-2-11.mp3 GeekNewsCentral-2005-2-11.wma GeekNewsCentral-2005-2-11.ogg GeekNewsCentral-2005-2-11.torrent Google sure can dish it out but the sure can't take internal criticism Mozilla on the Move Make your Mini a recording Studio Lets stand up to these companies! Send me your Issues! Firefox exploit on the Loose! Newburst looks a lot like Newsisfree.com Have you Downloaded Movies with BitTorrent from LokiTorrent if you have your screwed! OSX Coming to a PC manufactured by Sony? Fingerprinting Movie Data to stop file sharing at the ISP! What if you Googled yourself and found out you were Kidnapped as a kid! RFID chips for all the kids line up now for your injections. IT Conversations shopping for a underwrites "hey how about us to" Hack a Xbox game go get sued! Boing Boing isn't keeping up with technology. Music Artist of the day is from the Magantune Library and is legally distributed under a Creative Commons License Artist Spinecar Track Sanchez
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:48:05 UTC
Add this to another station SDR Podcast 2005-02-10 (13.67MB; download) -- Today's Artist -- FrodoCPU : It's Time (4:47) from the Album "FrodoCPU" Shoutouts and Thanks: Big News I am happy to announce that SDR bittorrents are now available through DownloadRadio.org . Many thanks to founders Peter Yorke, Host of Seattle Wireless TV and Rob Greenlee, Founder and Co-Host of WebTalk Radio for their ...
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:45:16 UTC
Add this to another station Seattle Icon's Final Ride (0.44MB; download) -- The famed Lincoln Towing 'Toe' truck goes from parade feature to museum piece.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:44:01 UTC
Add this to another station 2-10-2005 Ponderplace Podcast (19.52MB; download) -- Kind of a quick show tonight where attention spans are tested. I share a few new segment ideas and beg for feedback. I do a boring ponderplace report about dangers of hot coffee. Song by Circe Link
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:39:29 UTC
Add this to another station Mr. X's Evening Commute (February 11, 2005) (8.16MB; download) -- The Evening Commute for February 10, 2005 with Mr. X is posted! Tonight's episode includes Mr. X speaking about the Vonage service he just threw himself into, free gMail invites, and all the days news--wacky and weird, heeeeeeere's the X-man!Technorati: Podcasting
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:39:18 UTC
Add this to another station New Show!! - On The Rocks, Orlando, FL w/ Trance Fury (26.55MB; download) -- Welcome to a new Ambient/Chill Out radio show featuring Trance Fury as your host. It will broadcast Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday at 10pm EST.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:39:06 UTC
Add this to another station Digital Experience Podcast February 10 2005 (34.22MB; download) -- Today we talk about the ASCAP experimental license for Podcasters, Pepsi iTunes giveaway, Stewart Copeland gives us some idea on the differences between movie scores and recording an album and more. Plus, as always, another RIAA free tune. Digital Experience Podcast MP3Digital Experience Podcast AACDigital Experience Podcast Windows Media Stream PODNOTES: Fixed my enclosures Pepsi iTunes ASCAP license for Podcasters Adam Curry How many passwords do you have? Star leaving our galaxy Mikes Manic Minute Stewart Copeland Think Different Drummer ITConversations.com Very Large Array Submerge (RIAA free song from Magnatune.com) Microsoft says patch that sucker Local school RFID tags children Yahoo testing another toolbar for Firefox I have come up with the best one Mr. X Tip of the Day Email from David Keppler More gadgets please? Skype pre-loaded on PocketPC phone VOIP phone to use Skype
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:38:53 UTC
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