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"The Daily Podcast Feed" - mother of all feeds

"The Daily Podcast Feed" - mother of all feeds
Cast Browser's "Daily Podcast Feed" presents and guides you through a new collection of podcasts every morning.

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Please feel free to e-mail me at harold.gilchrist@gmail.com if you have any questions or suggestions.

Harry Gilchrist

Station feed: Click here to see an XML representation of the latest episodes on this station
Created by: Harold Gilchrist
Created on: 03 Jan 2005
Language: English

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Add this to another station 10th Podcast Live! - The Phone Show (9.86MB; download) -- This week I figure out how to get the show started even though I'm still stuck in the phone. Peace is finally made between the two versions of me, but we still manage to escape.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:41:38 UTC
Add this to another station What Would You Have Me Do? (3.81MB; download) -- I'm singing on this one. I suppose it's sort of a dystopian love song. Using some more advanced gating withing reason to drive bass and pad lines from the drum computer. It's pretty tight. I need to learn how to master and mix better, but I suppose that comes with practice. Please let me know what you think. Enjoy!
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:33:52 UTC
Add this to another station Episode 6: "Smoooke." (16.08MB; download) -- Would ya look at that? A proper show for you all to enjoy before my ten day hiatus to Tanzania. Improved audio quality, but still puffing at the mic - I'm still waiting before I upgrade any equipment though. Show weighs in at around 44mins - enjoy the show. Links: Cancer Research UK - Why do people smoke? CDC: Within 20 mins of quitting "Out Of Darkness Comes Light" the Guinness Ad I refer to
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:30:26 UTC
Add this to another station OMT - Burning Audio CDs in Apples iTunes (2.05MB; download) -- The One Minute Tip Tip 25: Burning Audio CDs in Apples iTunes This tip will explain how to back-up your Music purchased from the Apple iTunes Music Store. Tip 25: Burning Audio CDs in Apples iTunes mp3 (2.1 MB) Liked or used this tip? Click to Pay
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:20:42 UTC
Add this to another station A Little Decadence For Valentine's Day (1.91MB; download) -- Local chef cooks up some chocolate delight.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 13 Feb 2005 11:49:50 UTC
Add this to another station Minivans Aren't Just For Soccer Moms (0.43MB; download) -- They used to be a sign of suburbia, but now some minivans are luxury vehicles loaded with a lot of features.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 13 Feb 2005 11:48:08 UTC
Add this to another station Moment of Reason -- Feb. 11, 2005 (8.19MB; download) -- North Korea, Jason Giambi, Jeff Gannon and 5 Easy Questions. It's Never a 'Moment' with You. Download Now.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 13 Feb 2005 11:25:32 UTC
Add this to another station Wizard News Roundup: 02/12/05 (2.52MB; download) -- The latest Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings news for the week ending 2/12/05.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 13 Feb 2005 11:18:41 UTC
Add this to another station Dean Elected DNC Chair By Acclamation (1.40MB; download) -- Gov. Howard Dean Elected DNC Chair By Acclamation
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 13 Feb 2005 11:08:35 UTC
Add this to another station [Audio Post] One Last Secret About Audio (0.31MB; download) -- This will be useful to you if you're blogging or RSS. I'll do a fully explanation later on next week, but this is enough to get you started.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 13 Feb 2005 11:06:48 UTC
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