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"The Daily Podcast Feed" - mother of all feeds

"The Daily Podcast Feed" - mother of all feeds
Cast Browser's "Daily Podcast Feed" presents and guides you through a new collection of podcasts every morning.

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Harry Gilchrist

Station feed: Click here to see an XML representation of the latest episodes on this station
Created by: Harold Gilchrist
Created on: 03 Jan 2005
Language: English

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Add this to another station Future Tense Podcast for March 7, 2005 (3.85MB; download) -- Nicholas Negroponte says the solution to third world poverty is educating children. He aims to do that will a new computer that will cost about a hundred bucks. Negroponte is founder of the Massachussetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, and author of the groundbreaking book, "Being Digital." He's come up with the design for a machine that third world countries can buy in bulk to give to children. The machine would be light, but rugged. And it will be able to connect wirelessly to the Internet. It will run on the open source operating system Linux. The project has the backing of Google, computer chip company AMD and other companies.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 08 Mar 2005 11:30:27 UTC
Add this to another station Say Yum 2005-03-07 - Sweetcast (12.88MB; download) -- )-- Check out the slide show Listen to the Say Yum podcast! SayYum-2005-03-07.mp3 [12.9mb (31:59) 56kbps] Tonight we're celebrating our 18th show, adulthood in the podcast world, sending our first Say Yum special delivery, and enjoying our first sweetcast. Show notes: Say Yum 2005-03-07 Menu Special brownies Mini cheesecakes Music Sfunk - Chocolate Bump - Chocolate Salty Balls Speakeasy - Baking Secrets The Rap Group - Yum Yum Brownies Show notes 00:15 tonight we're doing our first sweetcast, say yum delivery and our 18th podcast 00:40 bunny rabbits, satan, cheese & milk are stuck in my head...shout out to Tim at Radio Clash 01:30 special delivery of special brownies to Dawn & Drew in Wisconsin 03:22 we're also cooking up some mini cheesecakes 04:45 southwestern soup recap 09:25 we're going to have to make chocolate salty balls some time soon 10:15 baking is good, and bacon is good 10:55 podcast alley changed their voting scheme in a good way. ...
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 08 Mar 2005 11:26:26 UTC
Add this to another station OMT - Summarize Services in OS X (1.78MB; download) -- The One Minute Tip Tip 30: Summarize Services in OS X To much reading, to little time? Here is one way to lighten the load. This tip will work in all Cocoa user interfaces like TextEdit, Safari, Camino and even Apple Mail. Tip 30: Summarize Services in OS X mp3 (1.7 MB) Liked or used this tip? Click to Pay
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 08 Mar 2005 11:22:11 UTC
Add this to another station Jamie Schulte on Different Bits (35.07MB; download) -- Interview with robotics researcher/artist Jamie Schulte about his work subverting potential surveillance technologies, creating a collective mobile phone reporting system, emergence and artificial life.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 08 Mar 2005 11:20:06 UTC
Add this to another station Monday World (6.06MB; download) -- Episode# 57. I finally decided to get around to doing a Podcast today. My apologies to all. Get it here. Or subscribe to the feed below. Links: Morning Guy / Night Guy Bit The Richard Vobes Radio Show Link of the Day: Abuse-A-Tron Sponsors: Barron Hosting
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 08 Mar 2005 11:13:33 UTC
Add this to another station The 'Mouth Man' Takes His Sounds To A New Level (1.35MB; download) -- The man who is a walking sound effects library still has tricks to teach, stories to tell.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 08 Mar 2005 11:10:30 UTC
Add this to another station Backing Up Your Data Isn't Hard To Do (0.44MB; download) -- With so much critical information stored on home computers, there's no excuse for not taking the time to keep your data safe.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 08 Mar 2005 11:10:11 UTC
Add this to another station Friday Night Lights (14.63MB; download) -- Another action packed episode in studio 411. We flirted with the idea of going out but thought making a new show would be a better idea. Quinn again visits with The Colmination to discuss topics of interest. Late in the show a surprise guest shows up to say hello. Please send me any questions or comments to colmination@gmail.com Check out my Vote for my show at www.podcastalley.com.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Mon, 07 Mar 2005 10:29:19 UTC
Add this to another station 03.06 vinyl podcast - Garry Mac & the Mac Truque (9.15MB; download) -- On this show, I play a cover of James Brown's "Cold Sweat" recorded by Garry Mac and the Mac Truque on their album Truqued Up: Alive in Concert. All I know about this group is that they were out of Kansas City, and recorded this one album of covers, and apparently nothing else. In addition [...]
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Mon, 07 Mar 2005 10:23:33 UTC
Add this to another station Geekcast #9 (13.98MB; download) -- )-- Geekcast #9 Show Notes:Intro Music.Summary of podcast.Contact info.**************Tech news:Lawyers for Apple Computer and a trio of Mac enthusiast Web sites met in court on Friday in a case that could have wide-ranging implications for the future--and even the definition--of online journalism. Apple is seeking the right to subpoena the e-mail providers of three Mac-focused sites that published information documenting details of future Apple products. The company says that information was stolen, and is seeking legal action against employees who leaked the data. But it says it needs the Web sites' sources in order to identify the employees.A California state judge issued a tentative ruling late Thursday that would give Apple the go-ahead to pursue that information from the Web sites' Internet service provider, but the judge did not issue a final decision at Friday's hearing. ...
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Mon, 07 Mar 2005 10:17:56 UTC
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