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"The Daily Podcast Feed" - mother of all feeds
Cast Browser's "Daily Podcast Feed" presents and guides you through a new collection of podcasts every morning.

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Harry Gilchrist

Station feed: Click here to see an XML representation of the latest episodes on this station
Created by: Harold Gilchrist
Created on: 03 Jan 2005
Language: English

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Add this to another station The Overnightscape #176 (4/18/05) (10.30MB; download) -- Tonight's subjects include: On the phone with Julie and Kelly, talking about the Duran Duran show at Madison Square Garden, their picture in the New York Daily News, fighting with a girl at the show, strangulation, trailer trash, security guards, body surfing, spitting, Penn Station, drunks, tattoos, and the afterparty situation. Plus, listener comments (including "Fishman from Alaska", "Huw from Wales", "Bob from Silicon Valley", "Colin from England", "BaldMonkeyBoy", "Felix from Indonesia", and "Israel Brown"), navigation units, and almost getting arrested. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora. (30 minutes)
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Tue, 19 Apr 2005 01:09:40 UTC
Add this to another station UL Podcast 009 (12.58MB; download) -- Happy F*** the IRS day everybody. We'll have to do a special show on tuesday or something. Until then, enjoy the first official Friday cast, complete with our report on stupid people, Chicago Radio, and of course your official Melvis Update for the week. Show notes: 00 INTRO02 Open season on Grilling04 iFilm: How to dance like a white guy.08 Illinois Legalizes prostitution/ Peoria outlaws it13 Stupid people in the news18 The richest people in Austrailia20 Band Update: "Looks Like They Were Right", "In Bloom"23 Frankie Phones in26 Red Eye Articles: Chicago Radio Format changes35 Eddie and JoBo 42 Melvis Update.....James Jaz email.....Budweiser Select Taste Test50 A Current Affair 52 CLOSING "Now or Never" Comments and email appreciated as always..
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Mon, 18 Apr 2005 12:57:54 UTC
Add this to another station Think your customers Care ? - MarketingTipster.com (2.35MB; download) -- If you think your customers "CARE" abou your business it could be costing you !Find that answer and you'll be way ahead of your competition!
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Mon, 18 Apr 2005 12:52:20 UTC
Add this to another station Podcast NYC: Welcome To The Beehive - Lesson Nine (12.81MB; download) -- "Change is coming in your life. Sometimes it comes quietly and sneaks up on you. Sometimes it bowls you over like a sudden storm. either way, change is coming, change is happening and you need to be ready to deal with it." - ROBERT J. SAFUTO One of the central themes of this book is about preparation. Everything we do prepares us for a moment yet to come. Absorbing the knowledge in this book is preparation for something. You don't know what it is yet, but it will be something. I once read somewhere that luck is the intersection of preparation and opportunity, and that's why in this lesson I teach you THE POWER OF ANTICIPATION. The power of anticipation is about being pro-active instead of re-active. Reactive people are always being caught by surprise, having to deal with unexpected situations that take away from productivity. Proactive people analyze situations, prepare for pitfalls and have a solid plan if those pitfalls should materialize. Think of it as saving for a rainy day, putting winter tires on your car late in the fall or saving a few dollars per month just in case. This is about an intellectual bank account that you can draw from when you need it most. In this lesson I provide some personal antecdotes on anticipation. I also provide some real life, common sense business examples of the power of anticipation. As always there's an exercise or two to sharpen your skills in this area. Take this lesson to heart and you'll be ready for the next and very crucial lesson in this journey.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Mon, 18 Apr 2005 12:45:17 UTC
Add this to another station SmallBizPod #3 Thursday 7 April 2005 (14.14MB; download) -- Left click to stream, right click to downloadThe third episode of SmallBizPod is now available and this week takes a detailed look at franchising. Included in the show are interviews with Brian Smart, director general of the British Franchise Association and Andy Cook and Jim Dove from Domino's Pizza.Full show notes will be available here shortly, although I'm on holiday in Spain, so they may take a little longer than usual!In the meantime, if you'd like to subscribe free using an RSS feed, download your free aggregator software like iPodder or Doppler Radio and click on one of the syndication buttons on the right hand side of this page.For those who'd like to download the show or listen to it now, click on the link above.Best wishesAlex Bellinger
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 17 Apr 2005 12:42:24 UTC
Add this to another station Pew. What's that Smell? (0.07MB; download) -- Polls. More stinkin' polls. The latest is aptly from the Pew Internet and American Life Project. In it -- from a sample of 2201 American adults, of which only 208 owned ipods or another mp3 player -- the startling assertion that 6 million Americans has downloaded a podcast is made. Maybe, but looking at the sample size I would have to say probably not. Remember only 208 people from this group owned portable players. That is too small a sample size to be claiming that 29% of all ipod owners are podcast listeners. If this were the case then surely someone out there would have hundred's of thousand's of listeners. Nobody does. Podcasting is just not that well known or well developed yet. There will be 6 million listeners soon enough but let's tone down the hype, shall we?
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 17 Apr 2005 12:32:56 UTC
Add this to another station Fake Science Lab Report - April 17th 2005 - Show #4 (31.31MB; download) -- In episode 4 we sit down and talk to Nick Mason, the drummer of the world renowned band, Pink Floyd. Nick tells us about his new book "Inside Out: A Personal History of Pink Floyd", his musical inspirations and how the industry is changing. We also feature German ambient producer, Markus Guentner and San Francisco's cellist/violinist/electronic producer, Rena Jones. Download the show now: Lab Report #4- "Welcome to the Dark Side". Extra-super-special thanks to Chris and Lisa Campbell. Without you two this would not have happened... Featured Links: Ambient Airlines OEM Radio Dub Beautiful Collective Chronicle Books Pink Floyd Kompakt Records Markus Guentner Rena Jones
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 17 Apr 2005 10:55:34 UTC
Add this to another station Raw Foods, New Scientist, Veggie Eating in Schools, Is Veganism Hard?, McDonald’s at 50, Is Meatless Low-Cal, Dreena on Convenience Foods (14.54MB; download) -- In Friday's edition of Erik's Diner, I start with news that raw foods has made the big time: an extended and generally positive story in the current Newsweek. Naturally, I'm a bit snippy that raw foods can bask in the limelight while Plain Jane veganism gets ignored. I talk about why this may be happening. Next up, the current New Scientist has an interesting interview about nutrition that I found worthy of comment. I then move on to a story about veggie eating in public schools, as well as a related vegblog comment on whether veganism is easy or hard. Next, I wish McDonald's a big Happy Birthday, and offer some comments on why the ...
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 17 Apr 2005 10:50:49 UTC
Add this to another station PodCast Radio Show - Friday, April 15, 2005 (13.68MB; download) -- In today's PodCast Radio Show, Live from the PodCast Marketing Promenade we look deeper into PodCast Marketing, talk about the PodCast Marketing PhoneMail Machine (503-768-5665) and take a trip to the PodCast Marketing Green Room. Today we find Blog Evangelist, Andy Wibbels awaiting in the Green Room. We discuss Internet marketing, blogging, PodCast Marketing, how to more effectively develop develop and use weblogs, how to get started, effective Internet marketing and PodCast techniques and best-practices.Show Liner Notes: Andy Wibbels - Easy Bake WeblogsFree 20-page Excerpt of Weblog Seminar/Ezine/Newsletter - Click HereUpcoming PodCasting Course - Click HereStream IT Now! .mp3
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 17 Apr 2005 00:38:25 UTC
Add this to another station Browse Anonymously (5.67MB; download) -- Anonymity on the Internet may be a marketers nightmare, preventing the gathering of data about who is visiting your site, but as a means of protecting and enabling individuals to more safely interact online, anonymity is a must. While wandering through the halls of the Westin Seattle, where CFP2005 recently took place, we ran into Roger Dingledine of the Tor project. At first we thought we were talking to a representative of the well known sci-fi publisher, but soon discovered Tor is the developer of an application designed to plugin to browsers and enable anonymous communication. Tor delivers anonymous connections by routing all your Internet traffic, including browsing, IRC and SSH through multiple onion routers making it difficult for someone checking server stats to determine where information you receive came from or where your outbound information is going. While this doesnt keep people from seeing information you transmit, it does keep them from knowing that your information came from you. We talked to Roger about applications for Tor, potential hurdles to overcome for implementing anonymous communication and how anonymity enables people to communicate safely in places where there might be dangers associated with people discovering your true location.Hear Roger Dingledine in MP3 Hear Roger Dingledine in Windows Media Format
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Sun, 17 Apr 2005 00:37:21 UTC
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