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Harry Gilchrist
Station feed: Created by: Harold Gilchrist |
Created on: 03 Jan 2005 Language: English |
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3 Ring Podcast 9 - Reality tv, Cell phones, Home Cafe (27.20MB; download) -- Podcast Topics: The Connected World Podcast is alive! Please go and check it out. Reality TV is almost over, boo hoo. There will be nothing to watch over the summer. Give me your advice on cell phones. Motorola Razr or something else. Has to work with Cingular network. Song: Girl In America by Blinker The Star The greatest coffee maker in the world - Black and Decker Home Cafe. 100% Kona coffee podsOrganization - how do you do it. Give me your best organization strategies. Song: Hello, Goodbye - Lightyear Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 19 May 2005 10:49:41 UTC
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All About J. Robert Oppenheimer: Tech Nation (19.09MB; download) -- Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with a three-member panel about J. Robert Oppenheimer, the head of Manhattan project, the secret World War II effort to build the atomic bomb. Granddaughter of Manhattan project administrator and journalist Jenant Conant focuses on the experience of Los Alamos, while journalist Kai Bird and Tufts University History professor Martin Sherwin look at Oppenheimer's life, which they've documented in a new book "American Prometheus." You'll find that they don't always agree. [Tech Nation audio on IT Conversations] Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 19 May 2005 10:48:53 UTC
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Podcast NYC: Welcome To The Beehive - Lesson Twelve (13.99MB; download) -- Do you realize how important it is to have a high level of mental and physical energy on a daily basis? In the world of business you need to be energized in order to handle the many challenges that you'll face. We're talking about physical and mental energy here. Physical energy leads to mental energy and the combination of the two creates a powerful advantage for you in the business world.
In this lesson I'll discuss the importance of having a high level of physical and mental energy. I'll also discuss techniques to improve and maintain that energy level. Finally, you'll need to pass on your energy to others in order to have the support you need to continue achieving your business goals. Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 19 May 2005 10:44:42 UTC
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Geek Speak Radio #12 - The 2005 E3 Special… (14.36MB; download) -- Show notes to come tomorrow....
Click here to get the mp3, but why don't you take the time to subscribe to the feed? Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 19 May 2005 10:42:17 UTC
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Star Wars (6.35MB; download) --
Episode #87 In this episode... a Star Wars themed Bad Joke Theater, How to Determine your Star Wars Name and a Link of the Day. Get it here. Or subscribe to the feed below.
Halley’s Comet May 18, 1910
The First Lawnmower
Jacqueline Cochran
Elizabeth Montgomery
Link of the Day:
Store ... Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 19 May 2005 10:40:28 UTC
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Country Roots Music's Podcast : CRMP-2005-05-18.mp3 (11.82MB; download) -- Direct Link to PodcastTimings for this cast:(mm:ss) (00:29) Introductory Remarks(00:57) New CD: Dave Insley "Call Me Lonesome" (03:58) "Thick of It" from Moot Davis (05:35) New CD: Matthew Sabatella "Ballad of America" (16:42) New CD: The Special Consensus "Everything's Alright"
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 19 May 2005 10:05:24 UTC
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Baseball Musings Radio Show (27.42MB; download) -- If you missed tonight's show, you can hear the recorded version here. It's also available on demand at TPSRadio.... Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 19 May 2005 10:03:39 UTC
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Herb Weisbaum: Cortisol Weight Loss Claims Are Nonsense (0.45MB; download) -- There's no evidence that the hormone control pills help people lose weight, and it may be dangerous to take them. Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 19 May 2005 10:00:45 UTC
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The Overnightscape #199 (5/19/05) (10.30MB; download) -- Tonight's subjects include: Chatting with Sundarapandian, politically correct garbage, toy review (Ja-Ru Super Bang Cap Guns - "Roll Cap Hot Shot" and "Ring Cap Snub Nose"), listener email ("Harvey from Australia - coffee experience", "Dennis from Michigan - kids from the Wild West"), synchronicity report ("Vertical Blue Lines"), safety rules, India, and tech support pleasant surprises. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora. (30 minutes) Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 19 May 2005 09:57:21 UTC
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Career-Op: Technical Intuition - from the archives (2.44MB; download) -- While training plays a part in all high tech careers, your high-tech intuition plays an important role, as well. Your ability to work a technical problem from start to finish, evaluate new technologies and apply them in new and different ways is something that can only be gained through "hands-on" experience.
Read this weeks columnListen on your computer, iPod or other MP3 playerClick here to ListenListen (Backup) Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Wed, 18 May 2005 10:54:41 UTC
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