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"The Daily Podcast Feed" - mother of all feeds
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Harry Gilchrist

Station feed: Click here to see an XML representation of the latest episodes on this station
Created by: Harold Gilchrist
Created on: 03 Jan 2005
Language: English

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Add this to another station The Overnightscape #205 (5/27/05) (10.30MB; download) -- Tonight's subjects include: Umbrella espresso accidents, The Malls of New Jersey, testing a new file format, Manitoba, new feature: "The Area Code of this Episode", weird and disgusting product reviews ("Fish Bread", "Skin Cola", "Cosmapple Twizzlers"), Starbucks lines, the deep south, splattering ink, the meetup, and a demolished and destroyed nickel. Hosted by Frank Edward Nora. (30 minutes)
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 27 May 2005 09:35:28 UTC
Add this to another station http://www.ablogs.com/Think-Tank-Radio-E3-2005-5-26.mp3 (17.34MB; download) -- Welcome to the Podcast Buffet
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 26 May 2005 12:35:26 UTC
Add this to another station A Destination Gadget & Listener Mail About Host Agencies (12.60MB; download) -- Podcast Number Thirteen I go into more detail about Nexion as a host agency by answering questions posed by listeners. Also the destination gadget is revealed and it is the sport/hobby of Geocaching. This hobby will take you to destinations that are exciting and destinations that you would likely not travel to if it weren't for geocaching. Thank you for listening to my podcast. Please feel free to drop me an email at barry@hometravelagent.net and visit my web site at http://www.hometravelagent.net. Thank you to Magnatunes and artist John Williams for the background music in today's podcast. If you are interested in booking travel or wish to visit my business web site please stop by at http://www.special-destinations.com.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 26 May 2005 10:55:36 UTC
Add this to another station Trucker Tom's Podcast No. 66 May 25, 2005 (0.06MB; download)
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 26 May 2005 10:53:44 UTC
Add this to another station Gillmor Daily 3 (14.49MB; download) -- James Governor May 23, 2005: As Jon Udell says, the analyst/practitioner ecosystem is refreshingly new. He should know. And talking of those that should know - i hereby apply the term industry analyst to Steve Gillmor. He is the guy that hired Jon Udell and called him an analyst rather than an editor. Prescience: an ability [...]
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 26 May 2005 10:37:45 UTC
Add this to another station Rip & Read Blogger Podcast for 2005-05-25 (10.89MB; download) -- Show #115. Listen here: Subscribe here: Here's what I Ripped & Read today: Hillary at AIPACIf anyone has any questions about where Hillary Clinton stands on world affairs, I recommend listening to her speech at the American Israel Public Affairs Council yesterday. In The Corner on National Review Online, Warren Bell reports on his visit to the AIPAC conference, the American Israel Public Affairs Council. Here's what he said: Another highlight: Hillary Clinton. (Get up off the floor, close your gaping jaw, clean up the coffee you just spit out.) She praised our military. She praised, without qualification, the explosion of democracy and freedom in the Middle East. She reiterated Israel's right to defend itself against terror. The Hillary who hugged Arafat is gone. The new Hillary delivered a Middle East policy speech this morning that (to my ear, at least) could have been from a Republican.Look. Out. Over at Centerfield, a blog of "centrists", they are worried that the right is ready for Hillary, as they quote what was being said at the Corner: Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Embraces Hillary You won't believe what they're saying at The Corner on National Review OnlineAnother highlight: Hillary Clinton. (Get up off the floor, close your gaping jaw, clean up the coffee you just spit out.) She praised our military. She praised, without qualification, the explosion of democracy and freedom in the Middle East. She reiterated Israel's right to defend itself against terror. The Hillary who hugged Arafat is gone. The new Hillary delivered a Middle East policy speech this morning that (to my ear, at least) could have been from a Republican. Posted by rickheller at May 24, 2005 09:59 PM Comments That's it. Hillary's gone Stepford on us. Thought it was just a matter of time.... Posted by: Blue Jean at May 24, 2005 11:20 PM Later on, Jonah Goldberg commented on Warren's comment: OH, I FORGOT TO MENTION [Jonah Goldberg]Warren - Your comment yesterday that the Arafat-hugging Hillary is gone doesn't scan for me. The key to understanding Hillary, I think, is ambition. The fact that she's saying centrist things now is more a sign that she needs to be a centrist to achieve her goals. Contra Beinart and others, I just don't see Hillary's moves as anything more sincere than a desire to position herself advantageously. That she sees a need to move right to move up the political ladder is a sign of the health of American politics, not of any powerful internal transformation on her part.Posted at 08:46 AM Well, what did she say that has people paying attention? What can a liberal from New York possibly offer the right wing of America? Listen and understand what attracts the right to Clinton, and consider 2008. She was roundly applauded by the audience. I've edited out most of the thunderous applause for time reasons, and skip some of her introductory remarks. Listen to the clip.Play 20 minute clip from Hillary Clinton at AIPAC convention.I hear much of what I've been hearing from the right about the Palestinian situation. This would be the speech that Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs would want from any Republican. There is nothing there to disagree with. She refers to Palestinian education systems as "child abuse". She criticizes "hate" sanctioned by the Palestinian Authority. She calls on the Europeans to clamp down on Iranian nuclear ambitions. "Hezbolah is a terrorist organization". Amazing stuff. Even if it is disingenuous, it is wonderful to hear her speak the truth.That's it for today, Podcatchers!What other podcasters are talking about: Podcast Podcasting
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 26 May 2005 10:32:46 UTC
Add this to another station Daily Source Code for May 25th 2005 #184 (8.80MB; download) -- The last update from Silicon Valley for this trip before we head off for LA mp3
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 26 May 2005 10:29:12 UTC
Add this to another station I Can’t Drive 30 (9.73MB; download) -- Episode #90. The story of my new handy dandy speeding ticket! Get it here. Or subscribe to the feed below. Links: AirDisaster.com Wayne Hays Bio Hands Across America The Gateway Arch She Said - He Said Link of the Day: Unfortunate Star Wars Costumes Sponsors: Barron Hosting Radio BoBo
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 26 May 2005 10:24:24 UTC
Add this to another station Screen Capture Formats (9.83MB; download) -- Which one of these Screen Capture Formats do you like best? Having been asked too many times for a virtual tour of Web Marketing For Small Business video library I finally bit-the-bullet and produced these....
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 26 May 2005 10:19:37 UTC
Add this to another station Baseball Musings Radio Show (27.68MB; download) -- If you missed tonight's show, you can hear the recorded version here. It's also available on demand at TPSRadio....
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Thu, 26 May 2005 09:44:58 UTC
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