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Harry Gilchrist

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Created by: Harold Gilchrist
Created on: 03 Jan 2005
Language: English

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Add this to another station Commercial WiFi Providers Strictly Limit Connectivity... (2.20MB; download) -- Heavily-used commercial public WiFi providers impose strict limitations on use.Here's the link to the book "Podcasting -- The Do It Yourself Guide” by Internet tech guru Todd Cochrane.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 03 Jun 2005 11:22:37 UTC
Add this to another station CDH 26 (44.62MB; download) -- Phil Lesh discusses the name change from The Other Ones to The Dead, and the deaths of Brent Mydland and Jerry Garcia, in Podcast 26 of Closet Deadhead. All you San Francisco Bay Area listeners also can catch CDH on KYOU Radio, 1550 AM. -- Sam Whitmore
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 03 Jun 2005 11:20:43 UTC
Add this to another station Rip & Read #117 - 2005-06-02 (6.30MB; download) -- Show #117. Listen here: Subscribe here: Here's what I Ripped & Read today: John Bolton on the U.N. and the U.S. National Interest Hand Wringing at the NY Times Majority of Americans Support Social Security ReformJohn Bolton on the U.N. and the U.S. National InterestKyle Gann is one of my favorite contemporary composers. He writes new music criticism for the Village Voice, and also teaches composition at Bard College. He's discovered a video on the internet, produced by Citizens for Global Solutions, of President Bush's nominee for Ambassador to the U.N., John Bolton. In the video, we get a clear view of the ideas that are so abhorrent to the left. They can't stand that this guy has placed American interests above collectivism and world governmentalism. Citizens for Global Solutions is an organization that has advocated for a "one world" government with power over that of the U.S. government. They run a site called "StopBolton.org". From their mission statement:We are a membership organization working to build political will in the United States to achieve our vision. We do this by educating Americans about our global interdependence, communicating global concerns to public officials, and developing proposals to create, reform, and strengthen international institutions such as the United Nations. Until now, I've never understood why the left was so insistent on delaying his nomination, or on searching for people who would say something bad about him in public. Listen to this clip and understand why they are so upset. My opinion is that Bolton and the reforms he will bring are just what we need to stir up the crazy despots who populate the U.N. today. As Stephen C. Clemons noted in March of this year:His worldview and style were particularly well-displayed during a 1994 debate with a senior U.N. official, Erskine Childers, that was captured on video and can be seen at the CGS websiteHere's the audio portion of the video clip. Play clip. As a proud non-member of the "good Americans" Erskine Childers describes, I support Bolton's nomination to this position. Childers pomposity was insulting. "Good Americans" indeed. Hand Wringing at the NY TimesFrom Best of the Web way back in February, James Taranto pointed out the irony of the NY Times arguing to the Special Prosecutor investigating the leak of the name of Valerie Plame as a CIA agent, that no crime had been committed by the leak. That was not the position the Times had always taken: Gail Collins & Co. weighed in with an Oct. 2, 2003, editorial, in which they called for then-Attorney General John Ashcroft to recuse himself from the case and asserted that Plame was indeed a "covert" agent for the purposes of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act: The law under which the Justice Department is operating prohibits the naming of an undercover intelligence operative--in this case, the wife of Joseph Wilson IV, a retired career diplomat. The Times urged that "the Bush administration should not use the serious purpose of this inquiry to turn it into an investigation of [Robert] Novak or any other journalist, or to attempt to compel any journalists to reveal their sources" and said "we oppose 'leak investigations' in principle." But it also likened the "leaking" of Plame's identity to "the disclosure of troop movements in wartime" and called it "an egregious abuse of power." So, the NY Times is on the record as opposing the "disclosure of troop movements in wartime." So are we. Why help your enemy? Later, the Times maintained that it was not crime. As James points out: Since then, the prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, has subpoenaed several reporters, two of whom, Judith Miller of the New York Times and Matt Cooper of Time, have refused to testify before a grand jury and are now threatened with jail. Fitzgerald also demanded that Miller and another Times reporter, Philip Shenon, turn over their phone records, but last week a federal judge quashed that request, which prom
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 03 Jun 2005 11:18:14 UTC
Add this to another station Podcast NYC: New York Minute #22 (14.68MB; download) -- It's a mixed bag on this week's episode of NY Minute as your host prepares to take a week off next week to enjoy the birth of his new child. Don't worry, lots of good stuff on this episode (and other things in the works!) to carry you over til next time. Some current events in the city are covered, an apology for last week's audio problems, a new way to get around town and a soundseeing tour of the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA). SHOW NOTES Intro Program Notes Taking next week off as parenthood looms New audio has been posted for NYM #21 Coming Events in NYC Secret Sundays Weekly music event http://www.secretsundaysnyc.com NYC Night Out Occasional gathering of travelers and NY'ers in NYC Friday, June 3rd, 6PM til ??? Life Cafe, 343 E. 10th Street at Avenue B, NYC River To River Festival Summer long series of events in the southermost part of Manhattan South Street Seaport, Battery Park, Battery Park City Festival kick off June 1st - June 3rd More info and schedule at http://www.rivertorivernyc.com NYC Water Taxi Get around town by boat Two Day Pass - $20 for Adults, $12 for Seniors Children http://www.nywatertaxi.com Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) Soundseeing Tour Architecture, Painting, Photography, Film, Sculpture and more! The entrance, overview and architecture exhibits covered here http://www.moma.org Sign Off Donations always appreciated Check out the Podsafe Music calendar, a new feature located on the Podsafe Music page of Podcast NYC
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 03 Jun 2005 11:10:24 UTC
Add this to another station OMT - Voicemail and Podcasting (2.74MB; download) -- The One Minute Tip Tip 48: Voicemail and Podcasting 3 different options:* Free to the Podcaster, listeners pay.* Free to both Podcaster and listener.* Podcaster pays and the listener gets a free call. The K7 Web site. The Skype Web site. Tip 48: Voicemail and Podcasting mp3 (2.7 MB)
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 03 Jun 2005 10:34:46 UTC
Add this to another station Today's Top News from The Daily Dig (2.54MB; download) -- The Daily Dig's Top News for June 2, 2005.The Daily Dig unearths the world's best news, providing all of the latest headlines from around the world. Kathleen Keating brings us today's Dig with her blend of snappy commentary and serious reporting.Listen nowSubscribe to our free podcast! Just right click here to add our feed to your RSS reader.Please support our newscast by visiting our sponsors. Thank you!
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 03 Jun 2005 10:28:58 UTC
Add this to another station Dissident Vox (310505) Sith Lords & Imperial Dogs (9.43MB; download) -- • Opening remarks • Embrace gig • Star Wars 3 • Sith Lords • The Force.net • Imperial Dogs - Stuck in a room with R2 • EU Constitution news • iTunes Podcasting announcement • Khavi Collective • Sabi - Matmilk (Sabi's blog) • Britcaster.com • Harry Spotter the acne outbreak • Big Brother 6 - Surveilance culture • Closing comments
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 03 Jun 2005 10:20:37 UTC
Add this to another station Show #7 The my wife was right show! (17.81MB; download) -- Download this show now.(This will take a few minutes to download. It will open a new webpage and should begin to play the show automatically :) Show Notes Thanks to listener Brian for his enthusiastic responsesThanks for the votes at...
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 03 Jun 2005 10:14:17 UTC
Add this to another station IndieFeed Blues/Funk Channel (4.98MB; download) -- Owen Gray is playing at the IndieFeed Blues/Funk Channel. Visit www.indiefeed.com and subscribe to a variety of scheduled free independent music channels!
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 03 Jun 2005 10:09:10 UTC
Add this to another station The RobCast: Wikipedia, Time Lines, and Our Stories (9.14MB; download) -- This is another "commutecast" (10 min), which largely consists of me huffing and puffing noisily after I get out of the car and walk the few blocks to work. This time, an older idea of mine (one of my "mental whittling" projects) - The Web of History - given new inspiration by Wikipedia and a recent article in New Scientist, and a new idea about collecting human stories on a global level to add depth, perspective, and color to encyclopedia, and other fact-oriented mediums.
Selected by: Harold Gilchrist [ stations ], Fri, 03 Jun 2005 10:06:37 UTC
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