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One day, a couple of us were talking about our favorite radio programs and podcasts and why we like them.&nbsp; We realized that we're really drawn to the ones that make us laugh (do we listen to Car Talk for advice on cars?&nbsp; We do not).&nbsp; And we realized that we're lucky enough to have a group of friends who make us laugh like that.</p> <p>So we thought, We should talk with those guys more often.&nbsp; And maybe we should turn it into a podcast.&nbsp; But not a &quot;here's what's new&quot; podcast or an interview podcast or anything that would resemble a traditional podcast.&nbsp; Instead, we decided to try to put something different on a podcast:&nbsp; reality.&nbsp; Not a show, not a production, not &quot;reality&quot; as in &quot;reality TV,&quot; where people jump in vats of scorpions and get fired by The Donald and vote each other off the island and basically do all sorts of unreal stuff -- &quot;reality&quot; as in, just the four of us, shooting the breeze, sometimes talking about serious subjects, sometimes talking about seriously trivial subjects, but above all, having fun.</p> <p style="margin-bottom: 0px;">And if we like it (which we do), maybe you'll like it too.

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Created by: Unregistered Visitor
Created on: 21 Apr 2006
Language: English
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Add this to another station 1. The one we forgot to record (1.88MB; download) -- Just as we're finishing up what would have been a polished first episode, The Curse makes its first appearance....
Selected by: Four Guys [ stations ], Fri, 21 Apr 2006 22:27:44 UTC [ edit | delete ]
Add this to another station 2. Laugh at my boner, will they? (37.09MB; download) -- Are we on the air? ... tech support ... new heights of frugality ... boners ... Ringworld and Foundation ... cigarettes and typewriters ... rabbit baseball ... mu ... Darthing, or, the Curse returns ... No! ... snow sculptures ... simultaneous action plays ... perspectives on pickpocketing ... big balls ... bluetooth and nano ... tasing
Selected by: Four Guys [ stations ], Fri, 21 Apr 2006 22:27:37 UTC [ edit | delete ]
Add this to another station 3. Color me confused (44.13MB; download) -- Additive vs. subtractive colors ... "Why aren't all the colors in the rainbow?" ... "I've only had two drinks, I swear" ... "I'm an officer of the court, I can't do that" ... RED!! ... unscrupulous uses of the internet ... the Curse chooses Skype as its next victim ... "sometimes ya gotta put that dog down" ... the passion of the Superman
Selected by: Four Guys [ stations ], Fri, 21 Apr 2006 22:27:23 UTC [ edit | delete ]
Add this to another station 4. How big is your guinea pig? (41.96MB; download) -- Tax day ... the price of privacy and laziness ... "that is top secret" ... used cars ... "Who cupped me?" ... horse racing ... Amtrak ... visiting Dave's sister ... peeing on a waffle iron ... sleeping animals ... "you can't focus" ... the world's most talkative cat ... the gub-gub ... how big is your guinea pig?
Selected by: Four Guys [ stations ], Fri, 21 Apr 2006 22:26:46 UTC [ edit | delete ]