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Andrew's Inbox

Andrew's Inbox
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Created by: Andrew Grumet
Created on: 11 Nov 2004
Language: English

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Add this to another station IndieFeed Electronica Channel (6.39MB; download) -- Cirrus of Southern California is playing at the IndieFeed Electronica Channel. Visit www.indiefeed.com and subscribe to a variety of scheduled free independent music channels!
Selected by: Andrew Grumet [ stations ], Mon, 29 Nov 2004 00:39:37 UTC
Add this to another station Beercasting.com: The re:chaj Show - Episode 3 (21.65MB; download) -- The best conversations form in the froth of a frosty mug
Selected by: Andrew Grumet [ stations ], Mon, 29 Nov 2004 00:07:19 UTC
Add this to another station Tokyo Calling Episode 6 (9.04MB; download) -- Back on track after a long hiatus. Episode 6 is available for download or by subscription. Three websites that look at Japan in different ways are introduced on this show. Also, some thoughts about where the program is headed. Thanks...
Selected by: Andrew Grumet [ stations ], Sun, 28 Nov 2004 19:25:59 UTC
Add this to another station Podcast1024: Mirror Walk by Prent Rodgers (3.56MB; download) -- This is a piece I wrote for a combination of instruments. They include cello, violins, double bass, tuba, contrabassoon, oboe, flutes, finger piano, harp, vibraphone, french horn and many different trombones. All are subject to up and down sampling to create tiny versions of the instruments. A tenor trombone, downsampled by a few notes and then taken up an octave sounds like a sopranino trumpet. All instruments can glissando, including the harp, finger piano, oboe, flute, and cello. There is a great deal of indeterminacy in my music. In this piece, each instrument can sometimes choose from many different alternative measures at any one time. At other times, they are more constrained. The trombone, oboe, and finger piano accompaniments had many choices, but are still constrained to a short list. Later in the song they could chose from many more alternatives. Some interesting parts showed up just because it was their time to be heard. I especially like the oom-pah-pah part at 2:45, following some trombone glissandi. I like to think of it as an improvisation, subject to control. It was created using Csound. If you want to hear the podcast directly, click here to listen or add this RSS feed to your iPodder or Doppler download window.
Selected by: Andrew Grumet [ stations ], Sun, 28 Nov 2004 15:51:03 UTC
Add this to another station iPodio - Abbot & Costello - Thanksgiving Dinner. (6.05MB; download) -- iPodio Presents: Old time Radio Shows Abbott & Costello Thanksgiving Dinner
Selected by: Andrew Grumet [ stations ], Sun, 28 Nov 2004 07:30:16 UTC
Add this to another station Create Your Own Podcast Station [SomethingthatHappened.com] (3.57MB; download) -- I tell you about a couple of web services, Webjay.org and Gigadial.net.
Selected by: Martijn Venrooy [ stations ], Sat, 27 Nov 2004 23:52:01 UTC
Add this to another station Create Your Own Podcast Station [SomethingthatHappened.com] (3.57MB; download) -- I tell you about a couple of web services, Webjay.org and Gigadial.net.
Selected by: Andrew Grumet [ stations ], Sat, 27 Nov 2004 14:25:02 UTC
Add this to another station the obligatory inaugural post (sounds: "the message" as done by the good) (4.89MB; download) -- damn those curry and winer guys for letting this genie out of the bottle. just what i need...another project. thanks guys. thanks a lot. so....what to expect. mostly music. some talk. some random stuff. in contrast to most of the...
Selected by: Andrew Grumet [ stations ], Fri, 26 Nov 2004 12:31:54 UTC
Add this to another station BROADCAST 07 (13.28MB; download) -- TORTURE (american style) LISTEN In nominating Alberto Gonzales, the man behind the now infamous torture memos, to be his new Attorney General President Bush is sending a message to us and the world about how exactly his administration feels...
Selected by: Harold Johnson [ stations ], Thu, 25 Nov 2004 09:59:28 UTC
Add this to another station Inouk - Elected (4.17MB; download) -- www.Hellthy.com Presents:Artist: Inouk Website Song: Elected Download MP3 Label: Say Hey Records Website Playing New York City NowWed and Thurs, December 1 and 2, 2004, Doors at 7pmAt The Bowery Ballroom Website | Tickets $7Inouk and Phoenix are playing a two day gig at the Bowery Ballroom Dec. 1st and 2nd. This track is the first I've heard from Inouk which I really like. Phoenix's United album I know and it's stinking incredible. Their newer 'Alphabetical' I don't know well. I would play a Phoenix tune as well but it seems they may be anti-mp3.
Selected by: Andrew Grumet [ stations ], Thu, 25 Nov 2004 05:52:13 UTC
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