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Real Estate Coaching Radio®

Real Estate Coaching Radio®
Hosted by Tim & Julie Harris, Real Estate Coaching Radio is a daily show helping agents reach peak performance with tips, tricks, coaching, and interviews.

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Created by: Tim Ventura
Created on: 07 Oct 2014
Language: English

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Add this to another station Your Step-by-Step 4th Quarter Success Plan (29.57MB; download) -- Youve got a plan for 4th quarter, right? If you do, were going to discuss some strategies to help you improve your sales performance even more and if you dont, then today is a must-listen opportunity for you to create a step-by-step plan to achieve success in the last few months of 2014. Tim... The post Your Step-by-Step 4th Quarter Success Plan appeared first on Real Estate Coaching Radio®.
Selected by: Tim Ventura [ stations ], Tue, 07 Oct 2014 20:56:34 UTC
Add this to another station Your Step-by-Step 4th Quarter Success Plan (29.57MB; download) -- You've got a plan for 4th quarter, right? If you do, we're going to discuss some strategies to help you improve your sales performance even more - and if you don't, then today is a must-listen opportunity for you to create a step-by-step plan to achieve success in the last few months of 2014. Tim & Julie Harris discuss seasonal market changes and how it affects the recovering real estate market - and provide valuable insights into how you can keep your momentum during the autumn slowdown. Schedule A Free Coaching Call Visit Tim & Julie Harris Online Listen on iTunes Listen on Stitcher
Selected by: Tim Ventura [ stations ], Tue, 07 Oct 2014 20:53:14 UTC